What is renewable or alternative energy?

القائمة الرئيسية


Renewable energy is energy that is extracted from the environment's natural resources and processes and that is continually replenishing itself without the need for human interference.

Renewable electricity comes in a variety of ways. The majority of them rely on the influence of sunshine, which is found in the sun's core processes. 

Solar energy has a wide range of applications.

 Starting with direct solar heating of water or air in a solar collector and ending with solar panels turning solar energy into electricity. 

Wind power is a renewable resource. Variations in day and night temperatures, the ground level, and atmospheric pressure fluctuations in different regions all influence the passage of air masses. Wind energy is used to power direct drive systems, mechanisms, and facilities, as well as to generate electricity for distribution in power grids.

Alternative energy is a concept that refers to a form of energy that can be used instead of fossil fuels. This energy is typically non-traditional and has a minimal environmental impact.

In contrast to green energies, which may have a tangible effect on the planet's ecosystem, alternative energy does not substantially affect the climate.
