Wind Energy is a renewable resource.

القائمة الرئيسية


You may see the wind whipping through your hair as an irritation when you leave your house, but wind is a valuable source of renewable energy. The kinetic energy of flowing air may be converted into useful electricity or mechanical energy with the right tools.


As the earth's surface receives solar radiation, it does so at varying speeds. Since ground retains heat more quickly than water, the warm air above it rises, allowing the cold air above the water to fall in. Wind is the movement of air. When the sun sets, the soil loses more heat than the sea, causing the winds to reverse. Wind periods may be affected by changes in the atmosphere.


Wind turbines harness the energy contained in the molecules of the air. When exposed to the wind, these devices have blades that can spin. The blades are attached to a drive shaft that rotates an electromagnet or permanent magnet.

This motion generates a spinning magnetic field, which causes voltage in the electric generator's armature.

Windmills can also transform wind energy to mechanical energy.


Wind energy is a truly renewable fuel because it is still present and cannot be depleted. The wind is blowing now, and it will continue to blow tomorrow, whether or not we use its energy now. The conversion of wind energy to electricity produces no greenhouse emissions or atmospheric pollution, which is beneficial to the atmosphere.


The initial financial investment required to build a wind power plant is far greater than that required to build a fossil-fuel power plant due to the high cost of the equipment. In addition, not all parts of the world have as much wind as some. Since the volume of wind varies from day to day, those that use it must be able to save the energy for days where it is not flowing.

It is feared that the turbines would destroy bats and birds. Some people dislike the appearance of the windmills. The rotor blades make noise, which is a disadvantage in a residential environment. Finally, some of the strongest wind resources are found in rural areas, far from the cities that use the most energy. This suggests that the customer would need to find a way to move the energy to another place.

The net cost of installing a small wind system for a private home is currently between $4,000 and $6,000 per kilowatt (before rebates and incentives). The so-called levelized cost of electricity produced by wind farms is about $0.15 to $0.19 per kilowatt-hour. For context, wind energy accounted for just about 0.7 percent of overall energy consumption in the United States in 2009.

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